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Toolbox with solutions to solving common design problems, like how to construct objects, structure your components, implement logis.. Software Design Patterns Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks

  • Strategy pattern - We define multiple algorithms and let client applications pass the algorithm to be used as a parameter.
  • Observer design pattern - Object that watches the state of another Object is called observer, and the Object that is being watched is called subject.
  • Template method pattern - The template method defines the steps to execute an algorithm, and it can provide a default implementation that might be common for all or some of the subclasses.
  • Chain of responsibility pattern - where a request from the client is passed to a chain of objects to process them. Then the object in the chain will decide who will be processing the request and whether the request is required to be sent to the next object in the chain or not.

Structural patterns

  • Flyweight - Reduce memory footprint by keeping references of objects in hashmap, like java string constant pool
  • proxy - placeholder that provides controlled access to an object, like additional layer of security or logging
  • Façadehides away the complexity of the underlying system, by providing a simplified view.
  • Bridge The bridge pattern allows the Abstraction and the Implementation to be developed independently, by encapsulating an implementation class (the bridge) inside of an interface class. is an application of the old advice, "prefer composition over inheritance"
  • AdapterThis pattern involves a single class, known as the adapter, which is responsible for joining functionalities of independent or incompatible interfaces.
  • Decoratorallows behavior to be added to individual objects, dynamically by putting a façade/wrapper on top of it.
  • CompositeThe client uses the component class interface to interact with objects in the composition structure.


Creational patterns

  • Factory - encapsulating creation logic in separate static method, complex objects...
  • Builder - construct a complex object step by step. allowing the same construction process to create different representations.
  • Singleton - single object creation logging, driver objects, caching, and thread pool, database connections
  • Prototype - save object creation by copying existing one, cloning, since object creation is heave process.


  • Single Responsibility Principle - The more responsibilities your class has, the more often you need to change it. You need to change your class as soon as one of its responsibilities changes. 
  • Open/Closed Principle - requires software components to be open for extension, but closed for modification. You can achieve that by introducing interfaces for which you can provide different implementations.
  • Liskov Substitution Principle - objects of a superclass shall be replaceable with objects of its subclasses without breaking the application. Child classes may extend the behavior but never narrow down behavior.
  • Interface Segregation Principle - Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use.
  • Dependency Inversion Principle - high-level and low-level modules should depend on abstractions. Does not change the direction of the dependency as the name is suggesting. It splits the dependency between the high-level and low-level modules by introducing an abstraction between them. So in the end, you get two dependencies.

Unit Tests Red, Green, Refactor

  • Red — think about what you want to develop
  • Green — think about how to make your tests pass
  • Refactor — think about how to improve your existing implementation

The red phase is always the starting point of the red, green, refactor cycle. The purpose of this phase is to write a test that informs the implementation of a feature. Give that method a proper comprehensive Gherkin style name, that explains your intention, starting condition, functionality under test, and finally the outcome. The green phase is where you implement code to make your test pass. The goal is to find a solution, without worrying about optimizing your implementation. In the refactor phase, you are still “in the green.” You can begin thinking about how to implement your code better or more efficiently.

Unit tests that make sense

All about detecting bugs before slipping through to production

Unit tests are only valuable if you're are covering all preconditions (GIVEN) vs expected results (THEN...AND). I always try to formulating my test method names Gherkin style. This forces you to a way of thinking about what your functionality should be accomplishing under every thinkable scenario. I experienced too many units tests that are meaningless, sole reason for their existence is to satisfying test coverage numbers, pure nonsense sitting in the way.

Scenario: Scenario 1
        Given preconditions
        When actions
        Then results
Alike ...
@Test public void givenDefaultMethod_whenCallRealMethod_thenNoExceptionIsRaised()

Like the baeldung always demonstrates

Unit Tests FIRST principle

Verifying that a known fixed input produces a known fixed output. But first step back. What is a unit in general? A unit is normally a method, constructor or deconstructor. Comprehensibility: structural characteristics of software that may indicate a code or design problem that makes software hard to evolve and maintain (compre-hensibility and maintainability).

How much should you unit test? Be careful not to spend too much effort trying to achieve 100% coverage – it may not even be possible or feasible, and really the quality of your tests is the important thing.

Consumer-Driven Contract

Consumer-driven contract (CDD) is an approach where the consumer drives the changes in the API of the producer. Consumer-driven contract testing is an approach to formalize above mentioned expectations into a contract between each consumer-provider pair. Once the contract is established between Provider and Consumer, this ensures that the contract will not break suddenly.

Junit5 Extension Model

This custom extension provides a way for Java programmers to create and execute stories and behaviors i.e. BDD specification tests.

SpringBoot Controller testing (slices, load only a partial contexts)

There are different ways to test your Controller (Web or API Layer) classes in Spring Boot, some provide support to write pure Unit Tests and some others are more useful for Integration Tests.

Hamcrest and AssertJ

AssertJ provides a rich set of assertions, truly helpful error messages, improves test code readability and is designed to be super easy to use within your favorite IDE.

But first about MockMVC

In the past, integration tests were the only meaningful way to test a Spring REST endpoint. This involved spinning up a container like Tomcat or Jetty, deploying the application, calling the endpoint, running some assertions, and then stopping the container. While this is an effective way to test an endpoint, it isn't particularly fast. We're forced to wait while the entire application is stood up, just to test a single endpoint.

An alternative approach is to write vanilla unit tests for each REST controller, manually instantiating the Controller and mocking out any dependencies. These tests will run much faster than integration tests, but they're of limited value. The problem is, by manually creating the Controller outside of the Spring Application Context, the controller loses all the useful request/response handling that Spring takes care of on our behalf. Things like:

  • request routing/URL mapping
  • request deserialization
  • response serialization
  • exception translation

What we'd really like is the best of both worlds. The ability to test a fully functional REST controller but without the overhead of deploying the app to a container. Thankfully, that's exactly what MockMvc allows you to do. It stands up a Dispatcher Servlet and all required MVC components, allowing you to test an endpoint in a proper web environment, but without the overhead of running a container.

About BDD

(write executable specifications and automated tests that read like documentation)

Cucumber is a testing framework that helps to bridge the gap between software developers and business managers. Tests are written in plain language based on the behavior-driven development (BDD) style of Given, When, Then which any layperson can understand. Cucumber allows software development teams describe how software should behave in plain text. The text is written in a business-readable domain-specific language and serves as documentation, automated tests and development-aid - all rolled into one format.

TDD vs BDD – What’s the Difference Between TDD and BDD?

(TDD is a development practice while BDD is a team methodology.)

In TDD (Test Driven Development), the test is written to check the implementation of functionality, but as the code evolves, tests can give false results. BDD (Behavior Driven Development) is also a test-first approach, but differs by testing the actual behavior of the system from the end users perspective.

In both TDD and BDD approaches, tests are written upfront before the actual code is written. And in both cases, the tests can be used as part of an automated testing framework to minimizing bugs reaching production and ensuring that software can be continuously released without issue.

BDD involves product managers, developers, and test engineers who collaborate to come up with concrete examples of desirable functionality. There is a high level of communication before any implementation. By comparison, TDD can be done by a solo developer without any external input from product managers or stakeholders. 

It’s important to note that BDD and TDD aren’t mutually exclusive — many Agile teams use TDD without using BDD. However, BDD ensures that most use cases of the application work on a higher level and provide a greater level of confidence.

The Behavior-Driven Three Amigos

The Three Amigos” refers to a meeting of the minds of the three primary roles involved in producing software:

  1. Business – Often named the “business analyst” (BA) or “product owner” (PO), the business role provides what problem must be solved. They provide requirements for the solution. Typically, the business role is non-technical.
  2. Development – The developer role provides how the solution to the problem will be implemented. They build the software and must be very technical.
  3. Testing – The testing role, sometimes named “quality assurance” (QA), verifies that the delivered software product works correctly. They also try to find defects. The tester role must be somewhat technical.

Ideally, when The Three Amigos meet during grooming and planning, they would formalize acceptance criteria as Gherkin features.

A great technique for Three Amigos collaboration is Example Mapping – it efficiently identifies rules for acceptance criteria, behavior examples, and open questions. Examples can easily be turned into Gherkin scenarios either during or after the meeting.

Cucumber and BDD

When we do Behaviour-Driven Development with Cucumber we use concrete examples to specify what we want the software to do. Scenarios are written before production code. They start their life as an executable specification. As the production code emerges, scenarios take on a role as living documentation and automated tests.

Validating executable business specifications against your code, follows the BDD (behavior-driven development) methodology. Its intent is to enable developers to write high-level use cases in plain text that can be verified by non-technical stakeholders, and turn them into executable tests, written in a language called Gherkin. Cucumber reads executable specifications written in Plain Text and validates that your application behaves as what is mentioned in the specification.

Gherkin documents are stored in . feature text files and are typically versioned in source control alongside the software.


The Value at the Intersection of TDD, DDD, and BDD

After reading the new

The What, Why, and How of Hybrid Cloud Strategy


Main ingredients Cherkin scenario and steps:

  1. Scenario: describing one individual test to validate one capability (feature)
  2. Given: precondition, to put the system in a well define state before the feature starts
  3. When: event that is exposed to your application, like user action or event triggered by another system
  4. Then: the expected outcome
  5. But and And: expression to split out to more specific steps

The specification consists of multiple examples or scenarios. For example: 

Feature: Bag Functionality

Scenario: Putting one thing in the bag
      Given:  the bag is empty
      When:  I put 1 potato in the bag
      Then:  the bag should contain only 1 potato


Cucumber for Jira

If you are a BDD enthusiast, you’ll be writing executable specifications and automated tests that read like documentation. This documentation is always up to date, because tests are executed by the Continuous Integration (CI) server. Rather than locking away your Gherkin feature files in your Git repository, Cucumber for Jira enables you to share this documentation with your entire team through Jira. Cucumber for Jira integrates with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket (Cloud version).

Example Mapping

Before you pull a user story into development, it’s crucial to have a conversation to clarify and confirm the acceptance criteria.

Example Mapping is a method designed to make this conversation short and very productive.

Mockito Verify closer look at

Springboot MockBean and SpyBean

Testing Kafka and Spring Boot

Junit5 and TestContainers

The rules are the same but there is a slight difference. @DataJpaTest is annotated with @AutoConfigureTestDatabase itself. This annotation replaces any data source with the H2 instance by default. So, we need to override this behavior by adding replace=Replace.NONE property.

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